Why a good book is a secret door

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Maddisyn H : Out of my Mind

Maddisyn H : Out of my Mind

In the book where I am so far is really interesting cause  because they did the Whiz Kids competition thing and they won Melody is famous she is the front story of the newspaper and she has the Medi-Talker to help her communicate with people. The prize they get is to got to Washington D.C. This book has been touching and sad I feel like kids don’t treat her fairly and that’s not right she may be disabled but she needs to be treated like any other student in her class. I also think it was really nice of Mrs. V and Catherine to help her for the test. This book kinda reminds me of A Mango-Shaped Space because Mia people say she is weird cause she smells and hears colors and I don’t think its right. This book has touched me in the heart and I hope to be reading more books like these.

~ Maddisyn Helseth

P.S Kathleen please tell me were you are in out of my mind or if you are reading different book please tell me. I have also finished Out of my Mind and I am moving on to Counting by 7’s.





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