Why a good book is a secret door

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From Leslie to Drew and Max: Butter

From Leslie to Drew and Max: Butter

Hey guys!

The book, “Butter”, that you both chose is incredibly interesting to me! I’m only 91 pages in and I almost missed class because I was reading in the library and lost track of time. I have a feeling this is one of those books I’m going to need to set a timer for every time I pick it up, just so I don’t get too lost in Butter’s world. It’s definitely different from the typical books I read, which is why I also like it so much I think, the topic is so out of the norm, but in a way it isn’t so. If you think about it, the author touches on a lot of important issues such as, child and young adult obesity, bullying, addiction, and parental neglect. These themes are certainly hot topics in this day and age.


So far, my favorite character is the Professor because he is the kind of teacher I would like to emulate. He never gives up on Butter and continues to offer opportunities for Butter to step outside of his sedentary lifestyle. No matter how many times Butter verbally denies the Professor or stands him up for jam sessions, the Professor always shows his interest in Butter’s future and will go great lengths in order to help Butter succeed. Who is your favorite character and why?


I think it’s extremely important to touch on the concept of Butter’s addiction to food. Although, he hasn’t directly said that he is addicted to food, he knows he has a problem yet continues to divulge in his gross habits. To be honest, there have been some parts where I felt my face contort into a disgusted expression because of how grossed out I was. I thought to myself, “How can someone do that to themselves?” But then when I read chapter six I understood that much of the time Butter ate, his mind became disconnected from his actions. Think of it as walking or brushing your teeth. It becomes a natural habit that you’re able to think and sometimes do other things while your current physical actions remain in your subconscious (if that makes sense). Psychologists typically call this, “disassociation”.

There is a lot of bullying that occurs in this story so far. I have confidence you guys can point out the obvious bullies in the story (Jeremy Strong), but who else would you consider to be a bully besides Jeremy and his possy? Also, I would like to know what you guys think is worse, a active bully or a passive bully. I would consider a passive bully to be Butter’s dad because of his neglect of attention and affection towards Butter. Think about it….



P.S. Let me know where you guys are at in the story, what pages/chapters we should look forward to, or if you’re already on another book!


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