Why a good book is a secret door

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Blog #5 charlotte

Blog #5 charlotte

This chapter provided a good understanding of trying to get students to read. Some key points I liked were setting aside 30 mins of class time to read “provides students opportunities to fall in love with books and develop stamina for reading”.”The more students practice, the more they enjoy and develop confidence in reading and the more likely they are to read in their free time”. Although during reading time you must be aware of the “fake readers”. It helps students become wild readers when they are involved in a reading culture. Talking to other readers and discussing what they like and what they didn’t like can be fun and they can offer each other book recommendations. What I found most helpful as a teacher is to have the students write down their daily lives and find the edge time in their lives. Edge time is any random time they find themselves bored or waiting around. Also I can write up an itinerary sheet so that they can recognize their reading habits. With the itinerary sheet I would only discuss their progress and not grade them so that they are not turned off of reading. I am excited to share the love of reading and I’m afraid of turning them off of reading. What seems challenging is trying to get the “fake readers” to actually read.

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