Why a good book is a secret door

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Why Johnny can never, ever read

Why Johnny can never, ever read

I found this reading very insightful. It basically talked about what is right and what is wrong and why they are look at that way. They talked a lot about conventional rather than correct to describe language use. It stated that grammar is not a rigid set of rules but a set of conventions that connect identities and status to language use. What should be tough is that language use is a matter of convention and how language, culture, and identity work together. next. Depending on who you are talking to or writing a paper for you must be familiarized   with the different types and setting so you can know when it is or inst appropriate to communicate in that context. And teach them to understand how language, culture, and identity work together. That way students can read and write in several different contexts.


I believe this was a great little article. Its more focused on understanding the cultural context behind reading and writing to communicate. I believe this would be something great to teach in the class rooms so the students can tell how to react in certain situations in there reading and writing and communication to one another,



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