Why a good book is a secret door

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Comics- Gabriela Salgado

Comics- Gabriela Salgado

I found the article really informative. The article mentions how hard it can be in the classroom to make literature fun. Now looking back to my elementary years I remember not liking reading time so much because it was just so boring and everyday it was the same thing. But, this article gives many ideas to how teachers can use comics/graphics in the classroom and how it can be fun. I really like how the author described comics as “re-energize classes and to engage students.” The talk on TED was really interesting too, it shows how new generations learn which is not the same way other generations learned… new generations are more technical! And we as teachers need to incorporate that in the classroom.  Remixes are great to use in the classroom. Gives the students a new way to think!!

Reading comics was interesting! I’m not much of a comic person so it was kind of frustrating reading it… it just felt like the text was all over! But it was fun looking at the pictures! Reading comics has given me new ways to think of literature. Comics can be such a fun activity in the classroom. A way  I imagine using comics in the classroom is by reading a story and making comic strips out of the story. Also, making a remix out of the ending of a story that we read in common.

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