Why a good book is a secret door

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Blog #3: Megan Williams

Blog #3: Megan Williams


We spent this week discussing the different aspects that fairy tales bring and the different versions that each fairy tale comes with. I am a Disney geek! I know everything about Disney and have seen most of the films at least 5 times… if not more. I have seen Snow White a lot and even though I don’t like her squeaky voice the story is very good. When I read the Brothers Grimm’s version I was kinda surprised at a few things. One… what was with that graphic ending! I thought that Snow White was suppose to be this wholesome and forgiving person, not someone who makes someone dance until they die… literally! Another was how many ways the Evil Queen tricked her. First with the corset, then the comb and finally the apple. I think the main difference between the Disney and Grimm’s was how Snow White reacted to the Evil Queen. I mean in Disney the Evil Queen fell off a cliff, but Snow White never seemed too upset with the Evil Queen after she woke up. I think a major theme of the Grimm’s version of the story was don’t trust strangers. Snow White didn’t listen to the seven dwarfs and it hurt her in the end. I think that this theme of not trusting strangers is good to put in a story that children will read so that they know about the dangers. I enjoyed the reading a lot!

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