Why a good book is a secret door

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Snow White -Gabriela Salgado

Snow White -Gabriela Salgado

Brother Grimm’s version Snow White was very unfamiliar to me. The part where the Queen developed jealousy towards Snow White at a very young age (7 yrs). Also, how the Queen ordered the huntsman to bring back the liver and lungs. And, once she had them she ate them with salt. From what I remember from another version the Queen asked for the heart as prove that Snow White was dead. Another unfamiliar aspect was that the Queen attempted two other tries before Snow White fell dead. Like using a lace and comb.  Also how the Queen was invited to Snow White’s wedding where she had to dance in red hot iron shoes until she died. I think the main theme in Snow White is to do not take anything or trust strangers because if you do bad things can happen.

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