Why a good book is a secret door

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Blog 6 & 7

Blog 6 & 7

Blog 6:

After navigating through the website, I chose the Diamond Bookshelf. At first I was a little confused by the website. Regardless, I explored it more and found a lot of resources. There is information regarding new graphic novels and news dealing with graphic novels. I also found suggestions for graphic novels. There are also many lesson plans that are detailed and for a variety of ages.

My book was The Best We Could Do. Reading this book concluded that wherever we are, the path that we chose will always be a bumpy road but the end can result in a prosperous reward. Life may seem tough but we all just have to put in all our effort into everything we do.

When reading a graphic novel, I read it like to how you would read a book. The way I read graphic novels is by going through it one panel at a time. I usually start with the dialogue and then the pictures. One thing I do differently is that I will often go back to the top of the page before continuing on, to look back at the pictures just to see what I’m missing. I often feel that I can better understand the pictures that were at the beginning so I can comprehend what is going on in the book. I would like to discuss with other how they read graphic novels and why. Trying a new method could lead to opening up more doors to learning and understanding.


Blog 7:

On page 166, the teacher asks students to pick their favorite genres of books. I think giving students the option makes the students a little more successful. I would love to allow my students to read what they desire to.

I like to read outdoor books. Sometimes I’ll read about survival books or even guides outside of the house. It contains so much knowledge and is quite interesting to me.  I love knowing how to make a handmade fishing pole or trap. It proves that I love being outdoors than being stuck in the house all day.

The main character in the novel “The Best We Could Do” by Thi Bui. As an adult, Thi wants to be more emotionally close to her parents. After a trip to Vietnam in her twenties, she begins researching her family history and asks her parents about their lives in Vietnam. She begins to trace back history through the birth stories of each of her parents’ children, including two babies who died. She then remembers her early childhood in America and the difficult relationship she and her brother had with their father who was a stay-at-home dad. She remembers their family home as a place that embodied the frustrations and challenges of being an immigrant in a new country. When she was a child, her father was a frightening figure. To better understand him as an adult, she asks him about his past. The story goes into talking about the difficulty of Bo’s background story and Ma’s background story and how they had to learn new ways to cope in America

I think “The Best We Can Do” is such an important story, especially with how corrup the world is. This book means a lot especially due to the fact of hardship and adaptation. It takes so much for some to understand the foreign land they are in and especially have to go through such tragedies in life.

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