Weeks 5, 6 & 7
Week 5:
Feb 22: Write (or video record) a new memo (update on research plans) and post in Currents. Let’s try a more specific set of prompts this time:
- So, where are you as of now in terms of what you want to research? Can you say it in two sentences?
- Summarize why you feel the problems/issues/questions you’re interested in are urgent to consider, important to the profession, and interesting to you as a future teacher researcher? (this should be 2-3 paragraphs)
- What do you already know about these problems from the research you’ve done so far? (again, 2-3 paragraphs)
- What might your research look like as a question or questions?
Feb 23: asynchronous.
Week 6:
March 2: Write: we’ll work on this in class together.
- Write a summary of the text: what is the text about? What points is the author making? How does he or she make those points? Use evidence from the text to support your summary. Include quotes. (2-3 paragraphs)
- Then, write a response: what questions does this text raise for you? What do you find interesting? What is confusing? What do you want to know more about? (1-2 paragraphs)
- Finally, talk about how the text could support your research—what use can we make of this text? (1-2 paragraphs)
- You may find this resource from Purdue OWL helpful too: link here.
Week 7:
March 9: work session for annotated bibliographies. We’ll also talk about writing a brief memo/statement to include with the bibliography.
March 12: Annotated Bibliography due in shared Google Doc (set to “anyone with link can comment”). Copy link into Currents Community.
Continue work with same Google Doc that is already shared with me.