Welcome to EDTE 490W!
Hello everyone!
You’ve found your way to our Liberal Studies Capstone course website; welcome! I look forward to working together this semester and supporting you as educational researchers. I can only imagine how many things you’ll be keeping track of with all your classes and as you prepare to graduate (yay! congratulations!). We’ll work synchronously on Zoom during our Tuesday class sessions (2:00-4:50): think of this as a virtual working group. We’ll use the full time, but we’ll typically break off to read, write, research, and give feedback during our time together. We will not spend the entire time face-to-face in a Zoom session, but we will work and come back together throughout the class session. Please mark off these hours on your calendar.
If you want, you can jump in to our class by going to the page on the top menu called Getting Started. There you will find instructions for joining two platforms we’ll be using: Perusall (which supports reading together) and Currents (which supports our writing together). My goal: introduce you to platforms that you can use in your teaching, and importantly, platforms that support professional development and collaboration with fellow educators.
I am here to support you: feel free to reach out with any questions. I check email all the time. Cause, you know, I’m home. 😉
Here’s a quick welcome video with some information. You. got. this.