Featured videos: language, literacy, writing

Reading Together

Perusall logoWe’ll use Perusall to annotate and read together. Link here to Perusall. Instructions for joining on the Assignments page.

Calendar: link here

Author: Kasey Thomas

Multimodal Project

Multimodal Project

I am so late with this…


Claire: The goal with this project was to see what students liked about English 30, what they didn’t, and what they thought could be done to improve it. We chose a video format because we thought it was the best way to get the genuine thoughts of the student across just to have them tell us themselves. While that was the best part, it was also the hardest part. The students in Kasey’s class were okay with doing on camera interviews, but the girls in my class didn’t show up to class so only the boys did and even they were reluctant. All in all I think the video turn out pretty good and I enjoyed hearing their honest opinions on the subject.



The project didn’t quite go the way I expected it too and I encountered a few things that really stressed me out during the process of making it but overall I am satisfied with the way it came out. The biggest thing that irritated me was that I didn’t have the equipment I thought that I had and so the quality of the video wasn’t what I wanted. Other than that though I really liked this project. In making a video about the English 30 workshops I feel better prepared for teaching the workshop next semester than I did before I started the video. Part of this is because the feedback I received from the students, many said they wouldn’t change a thing about the workshops and others gave examples of what they would change and why they would change it. If I had to change one thing about the project though it would be that it get assigned a few weeks earlier. In my case I didn’t get all the video I wanted because of time or just because it was the end of the semester, such as footage of the workshops in action, I was only able to film my workshop conversing and it would have been cool to have others, but it was late in the semester and some groups just didn’t have writing to workshop when I was filming.


Link to the video:






Hello everyone, my name is Kasey and I just transferred to Chico from San Diego. I am an English Education major and when I graduate I want to teach English at the high school level. I would also like to teach journalism classes. Before transferring I got two associates degrees, one in English the other in Journalism. I took this class because I am going for the T-sol certificate and Kelly recommended the class at orientation. It sounded like a fun class and also a job opportunity next semester which sounded really cool because it is practice for the future.

The passage I chose was:


The passage seems to be saying that learning and understanding are two different things. Two people can be in the same lecture learning the same information but their brains may process the information differently. They may understand the lecture to mean different things and that is okay, it is only by coincidence that they come up with the same understanding. The passage then goes on to say that learning is through participation of and not individual. That it is because of the different perspectives of the various participants that learning can occur.