Why a good book is a secret door

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Tag: Trevor Neer

Elisa C; Butter

Elisa C; Butter

Hey.  I finished butter over the weekend and i really liked it. I don’t know how far you are but i thought it was really good toward the middle and the end. I almost cried in a few parts because it kinda makes you feel bad for him and want to help him.  I don’t really know who my favorite character was but if i had to pick it would probably be the professor because it seems like hes always there for butter and kinda watching over him when he doesn’t know it. I don’t know if you have read it but i was kinda surprised about how Anna reacted when butter told her who he was and it was kinda cool how he told her.

The next book i’m gonna be reading is drums girls and dangerous pie. I think i’m gonna like this book and i’m gonna read this one kinda fast as well. I’m gonna start today and ill probably post again by Saturday.

(I don’t know if you saw my last post and my finishing thoughts on wonder but i put it as a comment on my last one.)


Elisa C; Wonder

Elisa C; Wonder

So i’m actually really do like this book a lot. I’ve been trying to find more time to read and I’ve been staying up late after practice and homework to read a little each night. I’m just about done with the book. Im only have about 20 pages left and i’m planning on finishing it tonight.

At first i was a little confused about how the book went but now its actually pretty cool how they all have a chance to explain there part and how they feel about august. I was pretty sad in the first part were august explained how people would look at him and he had to learn to ignore people and not let it make him sad. I also really liked how the chapters weren’t full long chapter and they were perfect cause i usually only have a few minutes to read or i just wanna read a little so its nice to have short separated chapters. I also really liked vias part but i also thought it was sad how she felt like she needed to protect her brother and stop them from hurting him. How did you feel about the book?

Im gonna be reading butter next and im planning to read this one alot faster and i had started it a few weeks ago so im about 40 pages in and already really liked it and im excited to get to finish it.  i think im really gonna like this one!

let me know what you think about the books


Maeve L: Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie

Maeve L: Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie

drums-1Hi Trevor, this is Maeve. I just finished Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie by Jordan Sonnenblick. It was such a great book. It had such a compelling beginning. I couldn’t believe Jeffery had cancer! The author did a great job describing Steven’s love and dedication to his little brother. Steven stayed the whole time in the hospital room with Jeffery when they had to do a whole battery of test on him. The author also excelled at showing how brave Jeffery was. I could not have anyone stick a needle in my chest! Anyway, I felt like I was right in the hospital room when Jeffery was having the needle stuck in his chest. I also like how the story was a reflection that had many little reflections in it. This book kind of reminded me of The Fault in our Stars from what I’ve heard (I haven’t read it yet) because of the whole cancer idea. Anyhow, I really enjoyed this book and I hope you do too!
