Why a good book is a secret door

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Beali Lopez- An introduction to my story

Beali Lopez- An introduction to my story

My name is Beali Lopez, I was born and raised in the San Bernardino county in California. My parents were originally going to name me Beatriz Alicia which are my grandmothers’ names. They ended up changing my name because around the time my mom was eight months pregnant, my uncle went into a state of coma. My parents are very religious and promised the saint of miracles  they would name me miracle if my uncle came to. Sure enough he did and since they couldn’t decided which of my grandmothers’ names I would adopt, they combined the two. Instead of Beatriz Alicia I was named Beali Milagros (Milagros is Spanish for Miracle).

If we are being technical then almost everyone is a reader because we read on a regular basis. People read signs, messages, emails, advertisements, menus, etc. On the other hand, some people would not consider themselves readers even if they read these things everyday. Most people if asked if they are a reader would not think about every little thing they read but would rather think about the last book they read or the last time they read for personal reasons, not related to school. I enjoy reading mystery, horror, comedies, and children’s books on my free time. I read very differently when I read for personal reasons rather than for school. Sometimes the reading I do for school connects to the reading I do at home in terms of genre. Although when reading for classes I am usually required to analyze every detail which can ruin a book for me. When I read for enjoyment I do not overthink things I do not ask myself why the author made the curtains red instead of blue or some other color instead I picture the red curtains hanging on the wall. When I read for enjoyment I have a movie playing in my head but when i read for school all I see is words and their many possible interpretations. I truly enjoyed the Williams article, he made any valid points. One being the fact that people are labeled as being “readers” or “not readers” although there is no solid answer to what a “reader” is. Williams said it himself, “I Wonder if we all meant the same thing when we said a student was or was not a reader”. So how are “readers” identified? Are they the intelligent ones? The well manured ones? The “A” students? Are they the person who reads a book alone during lunch? I don’t believe that one can tell who is a “reader based on any of these characteristics and I don’t believe we should be label anyone as a “reader” or “not a reader”. Being labeled as reader or as not being a reader can have negative influences on the person being labeled.

One Reply to “Beali Lopez- An introduction to my story”

  1. Hi Beali! I absolutely love the story of how you got your name!! So beautiful! I also read outside of school and find that the process is similar for me as it is for you. I love how you addressed the reading process as not trying to analyze why the curtains are red. Although I find that there’s some topics that are addressed in a certain book that I end up learning about in school and it can be a great feeling! I don’t believe there should be a label of who’s a “reader” either. Especially with this day and age’s technology with so many articles to read online and ways to communicate with each other. Especially if the reading is sought out based on the person’s interest and will then maybe blog about it or eventually write about it in a future paper for school. In my opinion, the way we live and have been growing has definitely caused some definitions to slip in meaning over the years.

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