Why a good book is a secret door

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So Much Depends Upon…

So Much Depends Upon…

so much depends


the gentle rain


on fields of green


root inbetween

it truly is a sight to be seen


This is my poem based on the original by William Carlos Williams that we read about in Love that Dog. I didn’t intend for it to rhyme. When I was struggling to compose the last line I read through what I had completed so far and noticed it rhymed; naturally I had to make the final line rhyme as well.

I never really understood how to create poetry. In school we would have lessons on poetry that rarely had an impact on me. We would basically read 2-3 poems and then move on. Nothing ever stuck with me. Poetry was just something that existed, but I didn’t have (or want) a relationship with.

I was scared of it because I didn’t understand it. Now after having read Love that Dog and Brown Girl Dreaming, I feel I have a deeper understanding of poetry. Poetry it like art, there is no wrong way to do it. It is there to allow the author to explore their creativity and emotions, and I now see that it is beautiful.

2 Replies to “So Much Depends Upon…”

  1. Michelle,
    I love your poem! I think it is super cool that it naturally rhymed without you even trying. I also do not remember much about poetry from my schooling. Maybe that Is why I tend to shy away from it! How do you like Brown Girl Dreaming? I am struggling with reading it, but I do love how it is so beautifully written. I hope you had a great weekend!!

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