Why a good book is a secret door

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Monster Poetry

Monster Poetry

I am reading Monster for my verse book. Monster is about a 16 year old boy named Steve Harmon who is on trial for murder. The book as written as if it is a movie script that Steve has created while he is behind bars. This format was a little challenging for me to read because of the numerous characters and ques. I found myself getting confused who was who, or thinking what does VO mean again?(voice over). I felt as if this format did not allow us to completely connect with the main character Steve. It also took much longer to read. However, I did really like his diary entries. They were my favorite part of the book because we could get more of a sense of what Steve is like. I think this book could be used in the classroom by doing role plays and acting out the script so students can imagine what is happening and how the characters are feeling.

It’s not good to be weak in here.

The best time to cry is at night when the lights are out and someone is being beaten up and screaming for help.

They say you get used to being in jail, but I don’t know how.

I guess making you live is part of the punishment.

I want to look like a good person, I want to feel like a good person.

He was trying to convince himself that he wasn’t guilty.

One Reply to “Monster Poetry”

  1. I really liked your poem. I am sorry that the book was a bit confusing to read. I too had to reread my book for some of the poems that were in it. I like your idea of having the student’s role play parts of the books. This could help them better understand what is happening. I think it could be cool to have students read other books to and having them role play those as well. That way the students can express different emotions. Thank you for sharing.

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