Why a good book is a secret door

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Kaysea Eckel: Miller Through The Looking Glass

Kaysea Eckel: Miller Through The Looking Glass

So far I like Millers outlook on reading. It is really frowned upon in a society where we are simply, “too busy” for it. But the truth is, it’s all about prioritizing. We should make time for reading, the same way we make time to brush our teeth or have a meal. It should not be viewed as a secondary priority. Reading enriches our lives from the moment we learn to read our first word and it continues to show the world in wholly new and ever-changing perspectives constantly.

Unfortunately this ‘world’ is only open to some, as it can be said the the world could appear a  lot more flat and honestly rather drab if you don’t have the world that reading opens up to you zooming around in your mind. I am constantly looking at nature in the form of poetry, constantly looking at people in the form of poetry and constantly looking at life itself and our very existence in the form of poetry. This would not be possible if I never developed my love for reading at a young age and from Miller’s words I sort of drew that reading is almost presented as this dreadful chore we have to work our minds through.

Really I look at reading as an adventure, I prefer that in place of the word challenge and in that way I am not afraid of teaching others to read, rather I am excited because if I can open up this vastly amazing thing called reading up for for children the way it was opened to me, then I just know I can instill this thrill for it in them and hopefully they will carry it through life the way I do, always with a book or a notepad in hand, ready to write how I see the world and read how others perceive it. It is going to be truly inspirational.

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