Why a good book is a secret door

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A Brief History: Kaysea Eckel

A Brief History: Kaysea Eckel

My name is Kaysea Chevi Eckel. I am 25 and I grew up in the sleepy little mountain town of Grass Valley, California. I have 3 siblings, my oldest brother Jesse, my older step-sister, Brittany and my baby half-sister Jayme. They are my absolute favorite people on the planet and have influenced me in a  myriad of ways. I have absolutely always loved school, which is why I hope to make it my career to teach it someday. I have lived in Chico now for 8 years off and on. I love the area, it reminds me of a slightly more city-esqe Grass Valley, though I think in the coming years I will be journeying to other areas, I’ve found I don’t tend to stay in one place terribly long.

I would say that being a “reader” could mean a lot of things, there are code-readers, research readers and then there are my favorite, the leisure-readers. I would count myself among the final group. I wasn’t always an avid reader and I must say I really don’t enjoy textbook reading but there are those books that sort of choose you and they are the books that become your favorites, allowing you to read them over and over again while never getting bored. Some of my favorite series have been: The Series of Unfortunate Events (I read these more when I was younger). I also loved Harry Potter (this one for me I grew up reading even into my adult life so it more or less transcends age for me). I have, in more recent years, really become taken with books such as The Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Fault in Our Stars, Love Does,  and Tweak. If you know any of those books you may summarize that my reading style is all over the place.

I would definitely say that I read differently outside of school and that I never would have chosen books such as 1984, A Brave New World, or The Great Gatsby to read outside of school, that being said: I loved them all and looking back I’m happy they were apart of the required readings. I think all the reading you do in school connects with the reading you do outside of school because its all just that: reading. The more you read the stronger you become at it, whether its coming across a word you didn’t know before or just gaining speed in how you read, it all works for your benefit.


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