Why a good book is a secret door

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It’s not Mickey Mouse, nor Minnie Mouse but it is BABYMOUSE!:)

It’s not Mickey Mouse, nor Minnie Mouse but it is BABYMOUSE!:)

The book series that I decided to start reading was Babymouse. The reason I decided to pick up this series is because it was one of the books that I haven’t heard of or read yet. I was wondering what they were all about. The books are very small in size and in content which I was surprised about. However now that I think of it, the book is probably built for small hands (aka children). Both of the books I read were very pink in illustration so I can see why maybe a young boy might be resistant to pick this book out himself. Although I think that Babymouse does have an even amount of gender characters and the theme or morals of the stories could relate to both genders. It is a bit heavier on the girl side of the stories being told.

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The first book is called “Queen of the world” when I first picked it up I thought it was going to be about this little girl trying to rule everyone and have everything her way and rule the world and bash on the guys. I was totally wrong! The book was about Babymouse getting invited to the popular girl’s sleep over and how she would give away her homework just to attend her first sleepover. Babymouse wanted everything that the popular girl had so of course she wanted to go to the sleepover. I thought it was cute that Babymouse’s best friend was a guy in the story, unfortunately she leaves her best friend to go to the sleepover. The sleepover was not was she expected and Babymouse realized that maybe being popular or “the queen of the world” was not something that she wanted. She loved her life the way it was, she realized that she had an amazing friend that she let down. Most importantly Babymouse realized that she was already the queen of her own world.

I don’t want to ruin the whole series for anyone because they are fun quick books to pick up but I want to mention the similarities that I noticed with the two series books. When I read the 5th book “Heart Breaker” I realized that Babymouse always has some sort of trouble with her locker. Something really cool within the series is that she reflects back to prior books that are intended to be read before the one you are reading, in my mind it kind of creates an inside joke. I thought it was so cool because I knew what baby mouse was talking about when she mentioned something from her first book in her 5th book so I felt like part of Babymouse’s life or part of the community. By the way Babymouse 5th book “Heart Breaker” is a really cool book to have around Valentine’s Day. It talks about a Valentine’s Day dance and getting asked to it and how it is okay to go alone.

I feel like these books give out mini life lessons that anyone can take on at some point in their life. I know that this series is very short and maybe the writing level is intended for very young readers but I can see how a teacher can use these books from middle school and even in high school. Reading Babymouse in my opinion feels like seeing a cartoon on television but you are reading and creating your own images in your head which is much better.  Like battle bunny with Babymouse you can have the children rewrite this comic and make it personal which is one of the activities that I saw online. You can also build a community with the children in your classroom and recreate the famous Babymouse cupcakes. Randomhousekids.com actually has a place where you can download these activities. Overall Babymouse series is a great series to invest in because you can use it at any grade level that you decide to teach. It is also a great book for a read aloud if you have 10 minutes because these books can be read in less than 10 minutes which is great because there is so much to cover in one day.  I am excited to be able to use these books in my classroom and excited to spread the word about the Babybook series.

One Reply to “It’s not Mickey Mouse, nor Minnie Mouse but it is BABYMOUSE!:)”

  1. The Babymouse books seem very good after reading this I want to look into the series. I am defiantly taking notes on the books and authors we are reading in class to have a future reference for my classroom. I hope to be teaching younger grades so this is one that I can see recommending little girls to read when they have that small bickering and friend issues having a book like this might help them open their eyes and learn a lesson or two from Babymouse. Since it is such an easy read and so short it would be an awesome idea to do read aloud with this book like you mentioned. It is great to hear that you are excited get use it in your own classroom.

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