Why a good book is a secret door

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Miller reading for Blog 3

Miller reading for Blog 3

I totally agree with everything Miller is saying. I personally don’t really like to read. I remember doing really bad on reading comprehension during tests like the SAT in high school. Miller does talk about how we are so busy that we don’t have time to read. She is a mother and sometimes doesn’t have any time to read because she has a house and family to take care of. I really liked the idea of making the students writing down times when they were bored through out the week where they could be reading. Things I think about are in between classes when I have breaks or when I am waiting in the waiting room for the doctor. I was not much of a wild reader years back. I hated to be forced to read, so I think my attitude made me feel like I could be doing something better with my time. Now that I am older, I know what genres I like to read and I try to read as much as I can. I like how I get into something, then nothing around me matters. It is like I am in my own little world with me and my book. I am excited to teach reading because I want to challenge my kids and make them get that good attitude to read. Obviously not all students will read or not like to read, but I want the to find what their favorite genres are to read and maybe in the future they will realize how important and nice reading actually is. So I guess you can say what I am most afraid of is students not getting anything out of my classroom, but I know I will learn through out my years of teaching with my interactions with different students and their reading habits.

One Reply to “Miller reading for Blog 3”

  1. I relate to a lot of what you said about reading. I felt the same way when I was a kid, the fact that I was forced to read made it even more of a chore to do. I also think that the journaling/logging of extra time might be beneficial, but I wonder if students would fudge the information (I have been known to do that in the past). Don’t be worried about that, your students will be thrilled that you care enough about their education that they will try anything, even reading. It may take time, but it will happen.

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