Why a good book is a secret door

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About Me: Haley Vlastelicia

About Me: Haley Vlastelicia

Hello, my name is Haley Vlastelicia, I am 20 years old and I’m from Portland Oregon.  I have one younger sister who is a freshman at Cornell University this year.  I love the outdoors and I go hiking, biking and camping whenever I get the chance.  Throughout my life my main hobby has been horseback riding.  I am a sophomore here at Chico.  My major is liberal studies, it has always been my dream to teach elementary school.  In my opinion being a readers is about enjoying reading and being able to comprehend and pull meaning from text.  To be a reader it doesn’t matter what you read, it can be fiction, non-fiction, novels, short stories, comic books or magazines, as long as you actively pursue reading.   Outside of school most my reading is texts, emails, and social media, but occasionally if I have the time I will read a book for fun.  When I was younger I read a lot more “fun” books than I do now, although I would still consider myself a reader.  Usually the types of books I read inside class and outside of class are very different, my favorite books to read are non-fiction adventure books.  The reading I do in class is important for my own reading because makes me a more knowledgeable and informed reader outside of school.    The William’s article really made me think about the stereotypes people have about readers.  I think that readers come in so many forms that no stereotype can encompass all it is to be a reader.

2 Replies to “About Me: Haley Vlastelicia”

  1. Haley, I really like your definition of a “reader,” as I think we defined them similarly. I just defined it as someone who wants to read, no matter what the subject is, whereas you made it sound much more profound and intelligent. Nice job! I also addressed the stereotype issue in William’s article. I’m really passionate about breaking down stereotypes, especially in high school where most everyone is so judgmental.

  2. Hi Haley! I liked reading your post and your definition of a “reader” was very similar to mine. It’s awesome that you grew up horseback riding, that’s always been something I wanted to do more often. Thanks for sharing :)

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