Why a good book is a secret door

G+ Community

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Pablo Guzman

Pablo Guzman

Hi, my name is Pablo Guzman. I was born and raised in a small town called Ukiah, California in Mendocino County.  I am majoring in English Studies with a minor in Criminal Justice (if that works out) and I hope to become a District Attorney in the near future. After an internship working with the Mendocino County D.A. office I believe that is what I would like to do most in my life. Last semester I studied abroad in Viterbo, Italy which was an amazing experience that keeps me longing to go back to Europe. I wish that I can learn about a few awesome books so that I may be able to show my baby nephew.

What does it mean to be a reader? Well I feel as though that anyone who is able to read any text that gives them knowledge or pleasure is considered a reader. If the person doing the act of reading is able to comprehend the material that is in front of them and are later able to explain what they read then they are reading. When I was younger I used to read all the time and could never put any books down that I enjoyed. But lately with less free time in the adult world I have not been able to read for pleasure as much as I would like. After the discussion in class last Friday I realized that I do read more with the internet but I am still not sure if I would count that as “reading” because it seems as though most of what I read is just fluff. To me reading will keep you connected to the world or show you an entirely new one.

2 Replies to “Pablo Guzman”

  1. Hi Pablo, it’s Malia yur new blog buddy. I think it’s so awesome that you spent a semester in Italy, I’ve always wanted to go to Europe. I also thinks it’s really nice that you want to share some new children’s books for your baby nephew. I also have a new baby niece that I want to read to in the future.

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