Why a good book is a secret door

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It’s Brittany B*tch (;

It’s Brittany B*tch (;

Hello everyone, my name is Brittany Smith and will be 22–tomorrow actually. This is my first year at Chico state and I’m loving everything about it. I went to a community college for three years, so it’s exciting to get out of my hometown and do something new.

I have decided to become a teacher for many reasons but it took me awhile to figure out what I wanted to do with my life/as a career. My friends used to tell me all the time that they could see me as an elementary school teacher, and I kind of pushed that idea to the side for awhile because “it didn’t make a lot of money.” After changing my major a couple of times I had to sit down and figure out what it was that makes me happy/what I am good at.

I absolutely love kids and being around them. They make everything so fun and light-hearted and I’ve come to realize I am a kid at heart myself. I have three nieces and one nephew and they are my world. I’m so very obsessed with them. It’s so fun watching them grow up and become mini-people. They are growing up so fast, learning and using their imagination. The things they think of and say kills me.


From left to right: Baby Jr (8mo), Audrey Ella (3), Alyssa Lynn (10), Kayla Rae (4)

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I’m kind of a kid magnet. I don’t know what it is, or if I have a sign on me that says “I love kids, come play with me.” But anywhere I go, I always find that kids somehow find me—but I’m not complaining. I love it.

Someone in class mentioned how when they were young they used to pretend to be a teacher and I thought that was so funny because I completely forgot about doing that when I was younger. I used to get so into it and make a bunch of worksheets for my friends to do/for our friends younger siblings to do. Grade them, and have them do more. I remember even teaching my friends younger sister math when she was little and not learning it yet. It was so much fun. Random, but I just thought that was interesting that I’ve even played “teacher” when I was younger, maybe it’s a sign!


What is a “reader” to me?

I think being a reader means that you enjoy reading and do it on your own time–you read not only things that “have to” but you read things you want to too. I would definitely not classify myself as a reader. Reading and comprehension has always been a struggle for me. I’m one of those people that only read what I have to to get the homework done. But I’m excited to get back into reading, I’m more inclined to if it is something that I enjoy. And from what you say about your selection of books…I don’t see myself not enjoying them. Plus, kids books won’t have me so down on myself because they are easy reads haha!

My take-away from the Williams article is that you have to make reading fun for kids. Choice is so very important. If children get to choose the book that they are interested in, it is more likely you will build more “readers.”

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