Why a good book is a secret door

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Kelsey Grady Blog Post 2

Kelsey Grady Blog Post 2

200_sThere were three main things I took away from Miller. The first being that it is not solely the teachers responsibility to make children read, it is on the student to want to read and to take the initiative to read. As students are young it is the teachers job to introduce students to reading and provide reading time so as to get them interested. As they get into middle school and high school we cannot be angry with the teachers for not providing them reading time because the students have been introduced to reading and the ball is in their court so to say. I also liked her point that the more a student reads the more words they will learn and this goes to show that reading enhances students learning in so may ways. Lastly, I love the section on how to tell if kids are not reading. It is relatable and also informative to help me understand how to spot it in the future.

The main ideas I am resonating are that it is important to get children interested in reading at a young age, reading is important because it helps children learn in multiple ways, and it is important to be able to note which students are struggling with reading and why. It seems challenging to figure out how to balance the advanced readers and the readers who are struggling. I think it will be hard to find a pace of teaching that isn’t to slow or to to fast for each and every student.

What excites me the most about teaching reading is to see them explore the different worlds that reading opens up just like how it did for me when I first began to read. I’m excited to see them in that moment when they start to get reading and they start to enjoy it. I am most afraid about not being good at teaching reading. It’s my job to start my students reading career and I feel as if I fail at that point it will ruin reading for them as they move on in life.


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