Why a good book is a secret door

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Miller…blog numero 2

Miller…blog numero 2

My take a ways from the Miller text so far is that she really values the wild reader and reading being a huge part of your life. She also talked about how it was important to take time even if it is a few moments throughout the day, often to read is important. She talked about how parents say that they do not have the time to read and that they could be reading in the car repair shop while their car gets worked on, in stead of spending so much time on their social media sites. Miller made so many good points and made me think about how much reading i used to do before i became an adult and didnt make the time for it. The main idea that resonated for me was to watch for students that fake read, and what to do to excite them about reading again. That it is crucial to let the kids in your class chose books they want to read and also to provide time during the class to allow for free time reading. It seems challenging to have to convince my future parents that they do have time to read and that it is important to be a good role model and show their child good reading habits. I am most excited about the reactions of my students when they get excited about a book and and kind of have an ah-ha moment and the discussions we get to have in class when we dig deeper into a book or series we are reading. I think what i am most afraid of is not reaching my students. I think that this will come with time of getting to know them and what their reading levels are, and I learn what I can do to help them become a better reader.

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