Why a good book is a secret door

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Nancy Lopez -blog 2

Nancy Lopez -blog 2

So far Miller has touched on very real issues with reading habits, not just in children but also in adults and how those could potentially shape the way children view reading. Each bad habit mentioned is followed by a good habit that could help. Such as there seeming to never be time to read but there are always opportunities for reading emergencies. As Miller mentioned students and adults alike can find ourselves in a situation where there is nothing to do but wait and in that time reading should or at least could be an option and it makes a difference simply being aware of this. Another thing I really liked was the alternative to reading logs, the Reading Itinerary. It’s not a log of summaries from each time they read but rather a way for them to be aware of their own reading habits, it’s a simple no burden schedule they make for themselves. So in reality what I’m doing with Miller’s book is basically keeping track of all the great ideas on how to approach reading with students.

In terms of teaching reading I am most excited to bring in ideas from others, such as Miller, to create a good memory of reading for children so they don’t forget how to read as they get older and their list of interest increases.  I am most afraid of not being able to recommend the right books for a student.  I want students to admire books, whether they are for school or for pleasure. While teaching I hope I make it clear to the students that they don’t have to keep reading the same ‘genre’ over and over.  I hope that by the end they will know that even when books are classified as one genre they are so extensive in touching a lot of different topics within those few pages and not to be afraid to use those to discover new books.  I’m also afraid I won’t be able to properly fit most of what they should realize about reading, in other words, I don’t always have great time management especially when it is something that can be as time consuming a reading.

One Reply to “Nancy Lopez -blog 2”

  1. Hi Nancy,

    I think one my favorite goals that Miller sets for the book is to compare how reading practices of adults shape the way children view reading themselves. I like how you also observed that correlation. I think as teachers, if we can get one students to fall in love with reading, then we have done our jobs. I have similar goals as you. I hope to inspire all children to become lifelong readers :)

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