Why a good book is a secret door

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Blog 2- Mackenzie Terry

Blog 2- Mackenzie Terry

So far I am really enjoying the miller text! I love her ideas about how to find time to read. I always thought I didn’t have enough time to read, until I realized that there are many times where I am sitting somewhere staring at my phone when I could be reading. I also really like how she tells us how to spot a fake reader and what to do in that situation. I think finding books that they would enjoy reading is a good start. It does seem challenging to spot these fake readers since many of them can seem like wild readers. I am most excited about getting the students to be excited about reading! I am looking forward to helping them find books they love and making them realize how enjoyable reading can be.

One Reply to “Blog 2- Mackenzie Terry”

  1. I really enjoy Miller’s text too! I think it’s really easy to read! I agree with you that I always find myself staring at my phone when I definitely could be reading a good book! I also agree that spotting fake readers can be difficult when some are really good actors! I’m totally excited to get my students about reading too! :)

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