Why a good book is a secret door

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Blog post#2 Dana Cherney

Blog post#2 Dana Cherney

There are so many takeaways from Millers text. One thing I found really interesting and is so simple that most people don’t take time to explain is that the “30 minute” reading assignments don’t have to be a one time sitting. If you have a 10 minute wait before dance practice read then or 15 minutes waiting for dinner to be made, read then. Often times students won’t read because they don’t have a continuous 30 minutes. Once the students get reading they will look up and realize that the 30mins have already passed. As I future teacher I am really worried about making students hate reading because that is what happened to me as a kid. I loved reading until I was forced to read books in my “AR level”. After that happened reading became a chore and I could no longer read the books I loved. I hope my classroom will be an open learning environment where students feel comfortable to read books they enjoy.

One Reply to “Blog post#2 Dana Cherney”

  1. I love that technique of reading when you have time, not only when you have 30 minutes to read. A lot of the time, kids dont want to focus on anything for as long as 30 minutes, especially a book. But if it’s the kids choice to continue reading or not, I think that would help them to enjoy reading again instead of making it feel like a chore.

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