Why a good book is a secret door

G+ Community

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Jane Achtelik – Who am I?

Jane Achtelik – Who am I?

Jane Achtelik


Hi, my name is Jane Achtelik and I am a just starting my junior year here in Chico. I am 20 years old and I just got my first car. It is a 2006 Honda CR-V and my baby; his name is Raffi. I am in school to become a teacher and I want to work with a bilingual population once I get a classroom of my own. Because of this I have made the crazy decision to minor in Spanish. I am in spanish 201 (3rd semester) this year and am doing well, but spanish definitely doesn’t come easy to me. My second minor is special education. With more and more children with special needs being mainstreamed into non-special classes, it’s important to me to gain the skills necessary to help these students.

When I am not working at becoming a teacher you can find me working at making money. I work in a daycare taking care of babies and toddlers. I like going hiking with my roommates and friends on the weekends. I like to read, A LOT. My favorite things to read statistical and social-psychological non-fiction, when I need to stretch my brain, and trashy teen romance when my brain needs a break.



“Who am I”? you ask

I am not named for the flesh of a farm animal

I never did care for fish

I dress in neither feather nor fur.

My step sisters can see none of this.images

One Reply to “Jane Achtelik – Who am I?”

  1. It is Very cool that you want to have a bilingual class room and help so many kids. It is nice to meet and I’m sure this will be a neat semester. P.S. I suck at riddles, I have no idea what one this is.

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