Why a good book is a secret door

G+ Community

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Cinderelli Cinderelli hi guys my name is Kelli

Cinderelli Cinderelli hi guys my name is Kelli

1) My story:

Hi there! My name’s Kelli Brennecke and I am sad/happy to say this is my 4th and final year here in Chico. I’m excited to become an Elementary school teacher, preferably 2-4th grade. Once I graduate I’m hoping to hop on over to the Hawaiian islands and earn my Teaching Credentials and Masters. I’ve moved 9 times in my life, however I predominantly grew up in Southern California. Along with teaching, my other passion is performing. I attended a Performing Arts High School for singing, acting, dancing, and modeling. I am an avid reader and enjoy spending time outdoors. Fun fact: I read 19 novels over the summer :O


2) Riddle Me This :

I have no family

No place to belong

with people around me,

That only wish me wrong

Yet even though they are so crass,

The only thing that matters now is a small piece of glass



2 Replies to “Cinderelli Cinderelli hi guys my name is Kelli”

  1. Hello Kelli! It must be very exciting to be on your 4th year already. 2nd-4th grade is probably my top choice in grades as well! Do you plan on getting your credential and masters in Hawaii? If so, that is awesome and going to be such an amazing experience! I’ve moved 3 times in my life and lived majority of my life in Southern California. Your passion for performing is definitely going to be useful in the classroom. Lastly, 19 books is crazy! What was your favorite one of all, if it’s possible to pick one!
    Your pal,

    1. My favorite book would have to be The Selection series! It is a dystopian novel that is almost a cross between the Bachelor and the Hunger Games! I definitely recommend it :)

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