Why a good book is a secret door

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Anen Pham – Blog 1: Intro and Cinderella Riddle

Anen Pham – Blog 1: Intro and Cinderella Riddle

Hi, I am Anen Pham and this is my fifth semester at Chico State. Before I moved to Chico, I was born and raised in San Jose California. I decided to finish my undergraduate degree in Chico, because of the beautiful surrounding mountains and the city seems to be a very laid back place to live at. Two semesters ago, I was a pre-med student and had realized the path I truly wanted to take was to become a teacher. So here, I am trying to obtain a bachelor in liberal studies degree with a minor in special education. If all goes well, I hope to work as a traveling special education teacher anywhere in Europe, or Asia in the future.



My Cinderella riddle

Her godmother was far from being a fairy or a person.

There was a golden slipper in this story.

Towards the end it started to get gory.

One stepsister had no toe.

The other dripped blood down her heel with a flow.

She lived happily ever after.

While the others had no laughter, but only to live in disaster.

One Reply to “Anen Pham – Blog 1: Intro and Cinderella Riddle”

  1. Bay Area!! Haha, I was raised in Santa Rosa (North Bay) so I get a little excited when I interact with others from the area. I too spent 4 semesters studying a different career before changing my mind to become a teacher. I should probably introduce myself, I’m JP Carrillo & it looks like we’re going to be internet blog buddies this semester. That sounds really cool, being a teacher abroad is definitely a special calling – so is working with special education… the same might be said for high school, which I’m doing

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