Why a good book is a secret door

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Maddisyn Helseth- Butter to Kathleen

Maddisyn Helseth- Butter to Kathleen

Hi Kathleen!!!!! I just wanted to say that I finished Butter and that I am onto Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. I think Butter was an amazing book and I have to say the ending really got me and I almost cried. I understand that Butter wanted to lose weight but I just don’t think he needed to post on the internet that he was going to eat him self to death.

I also think that he was just trying to get attention and that he wanted to get people’s attention from people all over the world not just from the people at his school. On New Years Eve he was going to eat himself to death and I don’t really know if you can eat yourself to death. But he did all that do get the attention I think or maybe he didn’t . I mean if you are going to try and get someone’s attention at least do something else okay don’t say your going to eat yourself to death.

I like a quote that goes. ” You chose the menu but I can you right now…. It All Ends With one full stick of Butter.”

This quote I don’t really know why I just do its kinda my motto now and I think it is a very important piece in this book because he is trying to make a point that maybe how he came to get the full stick of Butter on there at least that’s what I think.

I mean the whole Anna thing just kinda bothered me and I have to say that even thought Butter was going to eat himself to death and that is bad but personally I think that him lying to Anna about who he was, that was just plain dumb and I mean common we all knew she was going to find out sooner or later that is what we all expect and I just can’t help but think if I had been in her position I would have done the same thing I just could not live knowing that the person on the internet is not who they truly are.

I think this is a very good example of not dating someone online because who NEVER KNOW WHO IS ON THE OTHER LINE it could be some random person just trying to get to know you and yes that is what dating is getting to know someone but I would never date someone over the internet just because and I think even if I did want to date over the Internet this book would have changed my mind in a heart beat. I hope it changed Anna’s mind to because she was very upset when she found out who J.P was she was not very happy you could tell and I think Butter knew it was the wrong thing to do but he did it anyways.

This book has made an influence in my life and I mean i have overweight family members all over the united states from Oregon to Colorado and sometimes now I think to myself I am so lucky to have them even thought they are over weight they van change that at any moment they just need some confidence and help and if that is the most I can do than I would do that.


P.s Kathleen let me know how you are liking A Mango Shaped-Space

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