Why a good book is a secret door

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Max W, Butter

Max W, Butter

Hey leslie,

I just started the book Butter and I am really enjoying it. My favorite character so far is the Professor. I like the Professor because he is really nice to Butter and encourages him to try new things. I really do not care for Butter’s Dad because it seems to me that since Butter is obese he ignores him. What would you do if you were to have Butter as a kid? I would love my kid the same even if he was obese.

Max W,

One Reply to “Max W, Butter”

  1. Hi Max,

    My apologies I haven’t blogged in so long! I’m stoked you started Butter and are enjoying it! The Professor is definitely my favorite character too. He possesses some of the qualities I would like to develop as a teacher in my future career. I agree with you on Butter’s dad. It’s a pity that he has given up on his son because of his lifestyle. If I were to have a child like Butter I would definitely encourage him to change his lifestyle and would start by working out, eating right, and building a deeper relationship with him . This pertains to his mother too, since she is not helping by continuing to bake him comfort food that further contributes to his obesity. My sister has three children and she’s shown me how a parent can love a child unconditionally no matter the circumstances, so for Butter’s father to act as if son doesn’t even exist is so frustrating to me because I find it hard to give up on someone you unconditionally love. Sorry for getting all mushy, but that was definitely a feature in the book that really caught my attention.
    Let me know what you think about the main bully in the book and Butter’s crush! What do you think you would do if you were in a situation like Butter’s? I don’t want to spoil anything so let me know where you are in the book so I can ask better questions since the one’s I have are pretty broad.

    I finished Wonder two weekends ago during my excursion to and from Flagstaff and absolutely looooooved it! I really hope you have the chance to pick up this book because the message the author conveys about kindness is so powerful. It’s the kind of book everyone, should read or have read to (especially students) because it teaches an amazing lesson about what it means to lead a good life and how one’s behavior truly affects those around us. If you get a chance to read it let me know because I have plenty of discussion topics for us!

    Can’t wait to finally meet you in person next Monday!

    Leslie :)

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