Why a good book is a secret door

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Olivia C, My Brother Sam is Dead pgs. 1-90

Olivia C, My Brother Sam is Dead pgs. 1-90


I just started reading My Brother Sam is Dead. I haven’t had a good chance to read this week. I am on page 90 and things have occurred but not anything major yet.

So far I love the book. I love historical fiction but I’ve never read anything during this time period before. It surprised me that I’d enjoy this because the Revolutionary War is not a time period that I usually find interesting.

The author made this book to reflect on the war and the two different sides. The war and it’s meaning, rebel or follow the leaders, is being shown through the eyes of Tim. It’s not just picking a side for Tim, it’s also dealing with loyalty to either his father or brother.

It seems to me that Sam rebelling against his father and fighting has torn the family apart. His Dad couldn’t be more angry about it. I wonder if the dad will ever be more considerate  about it? And of course I want to know who’s side Tim chooses in the end.

I can’t wait to read more and hear from you.



5 Replies to “Olivia C, My Brother Sam is Dead pgs. 1-90”

  1. Hello Olivia,
    I am very excited to hear that you are enjoying this book so far. I am starting to remember so of the major points about this book just based on what you have wrote. If you were in Tim situation how do you think you would feel? Do you think this was a very difficult time for multiple families? Do you feel that the author is pulling you to a certain side?

    Hope to hear your responses soon!


    1. Hailey,

      I have read almost the whole book so far. I only have 40 more pages of My Brother Sam is Dead. I have to say the thoughts and meaning behind the story has not changed. Tim is still undecided on either side of the war.

      I don’t know how I’d react if I was in Tim’s situation. It’s important to be loyal but you also need rights that are best for you and community. I guess I might agree with Sam but I wouldn’t make a huge deal regarding my decision to my Father.

      This family splitting because of the war must of happened to a lot of families during this time. People have separate opinions is natural, but in a time of war it can have a bigger impact. I can imagine whole towns socially divided because of the two battling sides.

      It seems to me like the author is pulling us to the rebellious side of Sam. The author is painting a picture of rebelling in this case as getting fairness, whereas there are two valid points of view.

      I plan to finish the book this weekend and start The Snowflower and the Secret Fan on Monday. I hope to hear from you soon.


      1. Hello Olivia!
        I really enjoyed your reply to my last post. Your posts are giving me a deep insight into the book and it is interesting to hear your opinion of what you would do in the situation. Do you wish that Tim would decide already or do you feel that this May happen at the very end of the book? Can’t wait to hear your final reactions to the book!

        1. Hailey,

          I finally finished my book. I would give it a 4 out of 5 stars. It just didn’t leave me clinging to read the next page. It totally shocked me that Tim’s dad ended up dying before Sam. The whole book I thought you would hear about Sam’s death early on, but you actually witness Sam’s death in the last 2 sentences.

          I have started reading Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, and so far I really enjoy it. I am only on page 35 but I hope to finish by the time we meet as to maybe do are artifact on this book.

          It’s neat to witness a different place and time where a common family has such a different culture and way of life. In the book you can tell right off the bat that women and girls are not appreciated. Everything is about marrying a rich husband in the future. The foot bindings the girls suffered through sounded so painful.

          I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on the new book.

          – Olivia

          1. Hi Olivia,
            I am actually reading “Divergent” and I have not been able to get to far into it yet. I am looking forward to working with you on Monday and maybe we can use multiple books to make an artifact! I am excited to hear more about Snow Flower and the Secret Fan because I have not heard of this book before. I agree with you, foot binding does sound very painful. I can’t imagine what this would feel like and how uncomfortable this would be!


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