Why a good book is a secret door

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Dane G, The Book Thief Finish, My Brother Sam is Dead Start

Dane G, The Book Thief Finish, My Brother Sam is Dead Start

Dear Charlotte,

Since My last post quite bit has happened. I finished The Book Thief and Started My Brother Sam is Dead. I am currently on page 61, so I’m still just getting started.

The ending of The Book Thief left me shocked, and then I had to read a couple more chapters to finish the book. The way they chose to end the book was a completely unexpected. Although the ending blindsided me, I think that it was the right way to end the book. If they had ended it any other way it would’ve felt fake. Because they ended it this way, the book had a more real touch to it and made it easier to read. Now I’m not saying this book was an easy read. This book was probably the most mentally challenging books I have ever read. Between partly learning German and having to understand the content of the book, I found myself struggling to get through this book.

If there was one thing I could change about this book, It would simply be to talk about Max and Liesel’s relationship after they found each other. I feel like it just skims over that part without going into enough depth. I think doing this would definitely add to the book because it would give us a bit of insight to how she handles the deaths of everyone she held dear. Also it would show us a little bit of her life farther down the road. This way the readers could get full closure of her situation.

After finishing The Book Thief I started reading My Brother Sam is Dead. I’m not very far into it and nothing major has happened. This book is a little outside of my usual reading genre so it will take some getting used to this style.

I hope you’re enjoying the books as much as I am and can’t wait to here back from you.


One Reply to “Dane G, The Book Thief Finish, My Brother Sam is Dead Start”

  1. Hi Dane ,
    So sorry for not responding to this….I just found it. I had written a post to you and Madi in one post. Did you get it? I’m not used to blogs so it’s taking me a bit to get the hang out if.

    I loved the book thief it was so good! I cried at the end , I was not expecting that at all. I do wish they gave a little bit of max and the girls life after the bombing. I wasn’t expecting the entire street to get bombed. They told us Rudy was going to die ahead of time and that irritated me. The ending was a little flat but maybe because the book was so intense it just needed to end the way it did. Did you see the movie? I watched it after I finished the book. I was severely disappointed in the movie. It left so much out. So I warn you if you end up watching it. I don’t suggest it. It just wasn’t good at all.

    It took me a few chapters to start understanding how they were telling the book. At first I didn’t know where to start because I never read the intros of books like the prefaces and stuff.

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