Why a good book is a secret door

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Lyta to Kaitelynn : Maze Runner

Lyta to Kaitelynn : Maze Runner

Hi Kaitelynn, how is the Maze Runner? I am on Ch. 33. Oh my goodness. This book is awesome. So I kind of cheated. I went on youtube to see the trailer and I was so excited. I want to see the movie; but I’m going to wait until I’m done with the book. I took a peek because I wanted to see what Thomas, Chuck, Gally, Minho, and Alby looked like. I can’t wait to see the movie. At first, the beginning was kind of dragging and I didn’t think I’ll like the book but when I got to 20 something chapter, my jaws started dropping. I just couldn’t believe the stunt that Thomas did to save Alby and Minho. Every time the grievers came or made noise towards Thomas, my jaws dropped and I made my ultimate funky face. I was so shocked when Minho started coming towards him and they were so relieved to see each other. I liked Minho. He’s so upfront and honest. He’s all for team Thomas…….. Yay…. I can’t wait to hear what you think.

One Reply to “Lyta to Kaitelynn : Maze Runner”

  1. Hey Lyta sorry i haven’t responded in a while. By now you have probably finished the Maze runner as have I. The Maze runner was most definitely not my type of book but I kinda enjoyed it towards the end. You are so right the beginning dragged on for sure and I was very close to quitting the book. I felt it was actually good to get out of my zone. After the book was done I thought to myself i will have to read the next book and see the movie. How are the other books? I have finished Looking for Alaska and I stopped reading Rules. Rules was very easy for me and I didn’t really like that.

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