Why a good book is a secret door

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Max W, A Mango Shaped Space

Max W, A Mango Shaped Space

Hi Leslie,

I am currently reading A Mango Shaped Space and I have been enjoying the read so far. At the start of the story I was really lost but the further I went the easier the story was to comprehend. For a while now I was meaning to read this book but never got to it and I am happy I get to finally read it.

I am not to far in the book but I am far enough to love this book and once I pick it up its hard to put it down. I am really happy that Mia told her parents about her disease and it got me thinking . How long would it take you to tell your parents about your disease?

P.S. Sorry that my post is not as long or as amazing your post was. Ill post as soon as something else happens.

Max W

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