Why a good book is a secret door

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Blog #5

Blog #5

Reading response:

Some of my take-away from Miller’s text book on how to teach readings are her observation techniques and her communication styles with fake-readers, and the reading itinerary. I wished I had a teacher who cared and who put time into observing her students; maybe I would’ve of been a great reader now. I remembered being a fake reader in my younger years of school too that’s why I love the fact that she was able to be engaged with her students who she suspect are not really reading. I love the fact that she stayed inform of her students enough to do observation on them to really get to know why the student is not reading; why he keeps being missing in action for long periods of time; any why does he keep changing his book so much.  I really enjoyed reading and learning her observation technique “Independent reading time observation.” It really can benefit a teacher on helping her understand a child who is becoming a fake reader. It helps teachers to be aware of the behaviors and to support and assist the child to change the behavior before it gets too late. I can relate to Miller saying that if children don’t work on becoming wild readers when young, it’ll be too late for them when they become an adult. It has been late for me. It’s very encouraging when a good teacher supports a child who is lacking the interest in reading and when the teacher is following up on his/her observation for progresses.

The idea of having “My Reading Itinerary” is a good way of showing children that as an adult, they are not forcing a child to read for twenty to 30 minutes but to allow them to choose when they want to or when they can read; that it should be those small ten to 15 minutes in between Doctor’s appointments, on the road, or waiting for their basketball team to play next. I think it’s a very reasoning and decent way of showing children that even if it’s just for five minutes and being given the chance to log it or keep track of the minutes will encourage them and be evidence to them that they read, but not as much as they should; and hopefully it will push them to want to read more on the next logging box. Also being able to reflect back on the last two or three logs that they didn’t put effort into reading or weren’t able to read as much during those times will definitely show them, they need to extend those reading time and minutes.

Some challenging things about teaching reading is the time given or being provided, having to block out other subjects, and guiding students who has a tough time adjusting or being motivated to read; or getting interested in reading. With the time so limited to teaching and being at school and having to cover all subject; like math, science, geography, art, and social studies, how can we really make wild reading priority? How do we stretch time and fit everything into one day? Do we really get 90 minutes of reading time? I hope that a lot of teachers are able to pull this off with the very limited time. Then having to work and guide students who just don’t want to read and who will do everything in their power even if they argue with you or walked out of your class is a big challenge. You don’t want to be one of those teachers who turn a blind eye; I want to be a nurturing teacher and spread my wings over all my little birds. I  want to make sure everyone get the same attention and be able to support every child equally but I’m afraid I might not be strong enough to help a child change his behavior about reading.

What I’m most excited about teaching is learning all sorts of techniques from people and books like Miller and “Reading in the Wild” and being able to apply it to my students to see what works and what doesn’t. Because I too was a fake reader, a bad reader, and a slow reader who never really experienced a caring teacher in my younger years:; I would like to see that I can make a difference in young children’s lives so they would not grow up knowing it’s too late for them to be a wild or great reader. I want to experience the teacher role and be able to support those students who struggle and reflect that back to my life really understand what really went wrong in my life so I will not fail the students I’m going to teach.

What I’m most afraid of is my lack of comprehension, my English, my reading and writing and that I don’t really know how to use all my vocabularies; that I will not be good enough to become a teacher.

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