Why a good book is a secret door

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Kissing the Witch

Kissing the Witch

All of the stories within the book were very interesting and were nothing like I have ever heard. It is weird to think that we are never introduced to tales like this even at an older age such as high school. I think that we could have had some interesting discussion of the differences between the stories within the age groups and the meaning behind them. I enjoyed  “The needle” story because in my head it was the a story that embodied a women who chose to do what she loved over money and fortune. A couple is has a daughter who is spoiled until the daughter wonders into a tower where she finds an old woman who teaches her to weave. This girl in the end, chooses to stay and weave instead of return to her life of fortune. I enjoyed this because it is a story of what we may not expect woman to chose in this day and age.

I think that the author titles the book Kissing the Witch because it is so unlike the fairytales in which the witch are enemies. This author twists the stories into plot we never would have expected like girls falling in love with girls, or people ending up alone, people choosing what they love over what seems to be the “best” life. I believe that the title implies doing something against the norm and doing something that is daring. The witch is always a figure of fear and negativity in the fairytales and in this title the character is kissing the enemy.

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