Why a good book is a secret door

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The BEST. Eng. 341-Kim Jaxon

The BEST. Eng. 341-Kim Jaxon

Has this semester flown by. I absolutely loved this class. It took me out of the college stress and brought me to a place of happiness. There was never a day that I didn’t want to attend class. I felt that each class period was beneficial to my learning as a future educator. Each class was filled with insightful comments, suggestions, and ideas. The ideas that people created were so incredible, that I have a list of things they stated and how I can use them for the different stories we’ve read. This class was everything I would want my own class to be about. I want to make reading fun and enjoyable, so the students don’t feel that it is a burden to read. I feel that this class opened my mind so much.

I honestly hated reading, until I came to this class. You made it such a pleasure to read with all the creative things we did in class. I will definitely use half the ideas that came up during this class in my own classroom. I felt that this semester has brought deeper meaning to reading. There’s more to reading than a reading test at the end. Most stories can relate to real life situations and bring in deeper meaning. You want find those deeper meanings, instead of looking for the answer of who is the main character. I really enjoyed every aspect of this class. This has been the best class I have taken in college. Why I say that is because we aren’t learning to pass a test, we are learning in order to teach the next generation of students.

I honestly believe if more teachers taught like you Kim, the whole Chico State campus wouldn’t miss a class unless they were severely sick. I’m trying to make the point that you taught us on how to make a great classroom for our students around literature. You gave us insightful ideas, and prompts that would allow us to become better teachers in the long run. I loved this class because I actually learned things that I would use in my own classroom. I valued this class because I found things that I would do in my own classroom. I feel that a lot of people are just in school to get the grades and pass the test, and are not really thinking I’m going to have to teach this stuff. I definitely feel that teacher’s should teach like you. In regards to what you should do in the classroom, how you should teach this, what grade level would this be appropriate for, and what could you do with this story to make it more enjoyable. There are all these ideas that come to mind once you step into your classroom. You are an amazing individual and I can’t say that more. You value teaching and you value your students learning. Thank you for that.

I’ve learned so much from the series books, to poetry, and fairy tales. I found creative ways to teach all of these. I’m all about creativity and having the children enjoy what they are doing. I feel that creativity can be everything in the classroom. I love working with ideas outside the box. I feel that this class has taught me how to manage a classroom full of literacy. When a child reads a complete story in my class, I will recognize he or she and they will get to put something on the wall. I hope all my walls in my classroom get filled with colorful things. I found this class insightful and inspiring because each person came with a different idea. I really did benefit from other individuals viewpoints around the stories. I honestly had a great time in the class. I don’t think there was one class period that I didn’t smile.

The only thing I would have to improve on is making sure I finish a complete book. I love skipping around and opening new things without finishing one thing at a time. I just need to improve upon that. I feel that I learn more when I open something and finish it. I found learning to be fun in this class. I can tell you, there was not one class that I didn’t learn something. The video you made was absolutely amazing, just like you. This semester has been the best semester in my college experience. Thank you Kim for everything. I will be in your class again, I promise!

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