Why a good book is a secret door

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Doll Bones by: Damatha Johnson

Doll Bones by: Damatha Johnson

Doll Bones is a brilliantly written book. This book has a little of both reality and fantasy. The characters are young and are faced to go on a journey to put a young girl who passed away many many years ago bones to rest at her burial sight. Right off bat this book can be mistaken for fantasy because the students come across a haunted doll who directs them on their mission to a graveyard. It is rare and not really acknowledge that people now a days come across haunted dolls that speak to them and torment them but it does happen. I can say that there is a lot of demonic activity going on more than ever as it did when I was growing up. I feel that this book was targeted to the younger crowd because they are exposed to so much.  This book also has reality issues that the young character face such as strict parents/ guardians, self-esteem issues, and family issues that young teens can relate to. This book is very intriguing and as I read, I visualized every scene. I believe that the author wanted to reach the younger crowd and encourage them to get out the house and go on adventures and get back to the innocence of pretending and using imagination to have fun.

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