Why a good book is a secret door

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The Center of Everything

The Center of Everything

I haven’t quite finished my book but “The Center of Everything,” is about a young girl name Evelyn and her single mother trying to survive in the world. She is not in contact with her father nor any other family members besides her grandma. Her mother is young and out of work because of this Evelyn becomes an adult at a very young age. At school she is bullied by other students because of the things she wears and because she has a different situation than most students. I found this quote that I felt sums up the book pretty well, “It’s important, what’s happening, the beginning of something. It’s the way stories start. Someone is blessed, picked out as special by someone who can tell, their luckiness planted deep inside them, sure as a seed.” Pg. 67. Evelyn has a talent and that is her brains. She is very smart and loves to learn, her teacher Mrs. Fairchild sees this talent and becomes one of her main supporters.

Through out the book Evelyn is underestimated by most adults and seen as naïve, especially by her mother. Because her mother is so young and almost immature Evelyn is exposed to may things children at her age are not exposed to. Her mother thinks that Evelyn is not aware of what she is up to. For an example when Mr. Mitchell brings her and her mother groceries he is also having an affair with Evelyn’s mother. He only comes during he day when Evelyn isn’t home and her mother and him broke the bed. At the time her mother says it was because she was jumping on the bed, but Evelyn knows what’s going on. She is not as naïve as everyone makes her to be, she is a smart dedicated girl who everyone underestimates, even though she is underestimated she continues to achieve and rise above.


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