Why a good book is a secret door

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Comics- erin abreo

Comics- erin abreo

I believe that both the article and ted talk were very interesting and had some great points on why comics are important to incorporate into our reading. It was interesting to hear McCloud’s talk about how comics contain pictures that incorporate many of our senses. We visualize the scenes and let the various different pictures on the page help us understand the time line of the story. The words also help us understand the effects and conversations going on as well. I think the last part of the Ted talk was interesting as well and showing comics in a more continuous way than the way we are now can help evolve different aspects of comics in themselves.


I really enjoyed reading the graphic novel “Anya’s Ghost”. I have never read a graphic novel before so it was definitely something I had to get used to. At first I found it hard to get through because I found myself really looking at every detail of the book. After I got farther into the read my attention was drawn more to the story and the plot really dragged me in! I definitely see how these books could help different readers and I plan on incorporating them into my future class in many different ways. One of these would just to introduce this type of book to my students and let them experience a different type of book and the other way would be to have them write a graphic novel themselves and really understand the different aspects that go into making a book like this.

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