Why a good book is a secret door

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Blog #4 Morgan Minor

Blog #4 Morgan Minor

So far, one take away I have from Millers text is that having students read series books together can be extremely beneficial. I agree with the thought that it allows them to come together, and get excited, and talk about something. I get so excited myself in class when we all sit around and talk about our series books right now. It helps to clarify, and get other perspectives on the book. I also think it is a good concept to keep track of your reading and what you are reading and how much. I wish I would have done that so I could really quantify all I have read and potentially feel good from that. It would also give me a chance to remember books I read and loved, that I could use in teaching.  I am most worried about dealing with “fake readers” because I used to do that often and wasted so much time. I am most excited to get children reading, and help them find books they love and enjoy and can get lost in. I don’t want to ruin reading for these kids. I want to be the teacher that makes it awesome! Who doesn’t force them to finish a book they weren’t feeling, but gave them other options to try out! I want to try and be my best, but I know struggles will come along with it too.

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