Why a good book is a secret door

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Blog V Amy Rose

Blog V Amy Rose

Reading in the Wild is a wonderful outlook and approach on teaching young people how to enter the reading world. Reading is a lifestyle instilled at a young age that becomes apart of standards and habits for life.  Some take-take away ideas from the text so far is fostering and encouraging a reading environment in the classroom. Lifelong reading habits develop as well as comprehension skills, young people should be taught to read between the lines ;) It is important to foster their capacity to lead a literate lives. I thought twice about promoting “a readding workshop classroom provides a temporary scaffold, but eventually students must have self-efficacy and the tools they need to go it alone. The goal of all reading instruction is independence. If students remain dependent on the teachers to remove all that prevent them from reading, they won’t become independent readers.” (xx) These ideas boost the likelihood of success. Dedicating time to read in the classroom inspires students to spend more time reading at home independently.

The challenges lay within the students themselves. A love for reading must be cultivated and kept up with. Building reading confidence through experience and classroom community stimulates positive reading culture. Each individual student should be guided at their pace, practicing more often than not to ensure by the end of the school year everyone will be at the same rate of reading. I am most excited about showing students how to transport themselves through text. Providing a classroom that looks at the details of a story, beneath the surface ideas and notions the author hides for only those who take the time to think about it. Practice is key! Read aloud at any age increases confidence and I do have to say at 27 I still love being read to. Reading is a delicate phase of learning for young people. As a teacher it is our responsibility to ensure students develop essential reading habits. You can not force someone to love anything, however you can teach the correct way to do something they don’t already like and leave it at that. Scaffolding and choosing interesting reading material will grab students attention.

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