Why a good book is a secret door

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Why Would You Trust a Sketchy Old Lady?: Claire Nastari

Why Would You Trust a Sketchy Old Lady?: Claire Nastari

First of all I would like to say that this was the first time I had ever heard of Snow White’s actual mother. Maybe I just don’t remember that from my childhood but I don’ remember hearing that Snow White’s mother pricked her finger while sewing and asked for her daughter to be white as snow, red as blood and as black as the wood on the window frame. Another aspect that I heard for the first time was that the witch actually only poisoned half of the apple so that she could show Snow White that if she took a bite, it must be okay. The end was what I was surprised about, I always thought it was the prince’s kiss that brought her back to life instead of her coughing up the bite of the apple. Maybe I am getting this mixed up with Sleeping Beauty but as a little girl I remember the prince waking up Snow White with a kiss.

I see the theme of this story as you should’t trust some sketchy old lady who shows up to your house in the middle of the woods.

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