Why a good book is a secret door

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Snow White and the Creepy Prince – Samantha Wanner

Snow White and the Creepy Prince – Samantha Wanner

If I’m being completely honest, I don’t remember much about Snow White. I haven’t seen the movie in probably 10+ years. That being said, I’ll do the best I can. I don’t remember Snow White’s dad marrying the evil woman. I don’t remember anything about either of her parents. I’m pretty sure she was a queen in the movie. I also know that there was no mention of lace. Nor was there a poisoned comb. The dwarves were never the one to bring Snow White back to life. The prince does come to save her in the movie, but not like he does in the story. In the movie, he never takes her back to his house and the apple doesn’t become dislodged in her throat. I definitely don’t remember any hot iron shoes that the queen had to wear. I don’t remember how she died, but I’m sure it wasn’t that way.

In the movie, the queen only tricks Snow White once. In this story, she manages to trick her 3 times. When I was reading it, I kept thinking, “How stupid IS this girl?” It also seemed a tad bit on the weird and creepy side that the prince wanted to bring a “dead” Snow White home with him. Not to mention that he fell in love with her in a matter of seconds – “I love you more than anything else on earth.” I’d be a little frightened if I woke from the dead to a stranger professing his love to me. And the more I think about it, I don’t remember the story saying how much time had gone by between Snow White dying and the prince coming. But I DO remember that Snow White was 7 years old. I’m hoping that a LOT of time passed between her death and the prince falling in love with her.

I think that a lesson or moral that you could get from this story is that vanity and jealousy won’t do you any good, but they’ll actually be the reason for your downfall. It seems as though there is also something to be said of young girls. Snow White is extremely young in this version of the tale, and she seems to be pretty naïve and an easy target. This story may have been a warning to kids that they shouldn’t trust strangers and that they need to be careful. You could probably even go as far as saying that young GIRLS need to be careful.

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