Why a good book is a secret door

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Beali Lopez- Enchanted Air

Beali Lopez- Enchanted Air

I truly enjoyed reading Enchanted Air and found myself relating to it. My initial thoughts were that the structure of the book was strange. I had never read a book that was written in verses only poems. But the more I read, the more i enjoyed the structure. I found that this made reading easier for me. It also made it easier to remember where I had left off if i needed to stop at an awkward place. At first I tried reading the text as a poem due to the style it was written in but I soon found myself reading the book just like I would any other. I feel that books written in verse would be great to give to students who have a hard time reading long paragraphs or children who have dyslexia. When I was young I had the hardest time reading books with long paragraphs because I would get overwhelmed by all the words. Reading long texts were a nightmare although I have always enjoyed reading.

So much depends upon

an old teddy-bear

filled with years of love

laid besides the babies’ crib

2 Replies to “Beali Lopez- Enchanted Air”

  1. I agree with you, I like how this book is written because it makes it easier to read quicker. I have read many books like this, in the past. I used to struggle with reading as a child, but now it is one of my favorite things to do as a hobby. I really liked your poem too, it’s really good!

  2. I love your idea of when to use verse books in the classroom. I didn’t even think about how useful these books might be for children who may struggle with reading or may have dyslexia. That is a really great idea. I also agree with you that these types of books make it easier to find your spot to pick back up again. It is definitely a book that can be read in little gaps of free time. Your poem was beautiful, as well. I’ll admit that I used yours as an example when I was writing mine. I think it did a great job at creating a visual and putting more meaning behind the teddy bear.

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