Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: Allison Clarke

Allison C, The Book Thief

Allison C, The Book Thief

Hi Madison, I don’t know how you are keeping up with both me and Cora but, I thank you because its very nice to have a person to talk to about this. I’ve been reading The Book Thief more now and I’m really into it. I think that it was just hard to start. I’m really liking Rudy. He is rebellious but, has fun and knows the consequences. He’s adorable with Liesel too. They are a good pair. Speaking of the character, I’m quite confused about Hans Jr. Do you have any thoughts on him?

I wonder how the author came up with the idea that Death would narrate. I find it really interesting. He writes different than a lot of authors and that’s intriguing. Although I have heard his other book is way different. In his writing he puts these short “featuring” paragraphs for when he starts a new part in the book. Just to kind of say whats coming up. I like that a lot. Also when he introduces a new character, he will say short sentences of either their future or past. When he doesn’t write about a character anymore he’ll give you a little look into when he sees them next. Or when he saw them in the past. I thought that was different. And he puts himself into their stories. He tells them like he was there and a big part. What do you think about his writing?

From: Allison


AllisonC, The Book Thief

AllisonC, The Book Thief

Hi Madison, how are you doing with reading? Right now I’m reading The Book Thief. My first book of all three. Have you started on any? I have been having a hard time getting into the Book Thief. I’m hoping that the more I read, that it will be something I really want to read. As of now, I shall keep reading. If you are reading or finished The Book Thief, I would love to know your opinion. So far I would have to say Hans Hubermann interests me a lot. I think he cares a lot for Liesel. He seems like that kind of guy that has a lot of different thoughts but, are quiet about it. What do you think? The Book Thief is a bit confusing at parts and hard to understand but, I’ve gotten through it and with continue.

Its really different that he puts in the little bold comments in the middle of the page and explains whats happening. Its like hes telling a story and stops once in a while to help you understand. Its really helpful and nice to me. I also noticed that this person is telling a story of Liesel but, its not in her perspective. He chose her and follows her around telling her story. Its unique and sometimes hard to follow but, I like that. I think that by the end of this book I’ll be really glad I read it. I will also be glad I had someone to talk about it. If you are reading a different book, I’d be happy to hear about it. I will give you more updates soon.

From: Allison

Introduction to Madison

Introduction to Madison

Hi Madison, I’m Allison. I’m really excited to be reading with you and I think this is going to be great. I thought that I would tell you a little bit about myself. Okay first things first, I have a love for reading and my favorite author would be John Green (I’ve read all his books) but, I like other authors too. I think my favorite genre is realistic fiction. I also Have a huge interest in music. I play the piano and listening to music is a priority for me. In this reading time I plan on reading The Book Thief, Wonder, and Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie. I cant wait to talk to you about these. That’s a little bit about me. I would like  to know more about you.

From: Allison C