Why a good book is a secret door

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Author: astremfel

Snow White

Snow White


The Disney version of Snow White is a more pleasant version of the Grimm’s telling. One of the first differences that is noticeable is the beginning of the story, because I do not remember Snow White’s mother dripping blood onto snow, and it is understandable why Disney would want to leave that out. Also, the queen wanted to eat both the liver and her lungs in the Grimm version to absorb her beauty, but in the Disney version I believe she only wanted Snow’s heart as proof.

In Disney’s version of Snow White I believe that the prince just kisses her and then she immediately wakes up and coughs up the apple. But in Grimm’s version the prince takes her coffin and then the way the apple is dislodged from her throat is from the jolt, and not from the prince kissing her. But the really weird part is that the prince even wanted Snow’s body anyway…

A major theme in this story would be listen to your elders. Snow was naieve and fell into the trap of the evil queen multiple times, but if she would have listened to the Dwarves then she would have stayed safe. Everything bad that happened to her after she got to their house was because she did not take their advice to keep the door closed.


Bluebeard’s Tale

Bluebeard’s Tale



No tales of a dream

Man is not who he seems

There is no marriage planned

Does not ask for her hand

There is no ring

Things are not what he thinks

One girl is brave

Two head for the grave

Situation seems dire

But ends in a fire

Anne Stremfel: Blog Post 1

Anne Stremfel: Blog Post 1



My name is Anne, but I prefer to be called Annie. I am in my senior year at Chico State, but I will not be graduating quite yet due to switching majors. I love my family, I have four other siblings who I love dearly. I love animals, and my two dogs are my best friends. I am involved with CAVE on campus and love volunteering.

To me, being a reader means that you simply have the ability to read and you exercise that ability. Regardless of if you are reading street signs, or a trash magazine at the grocery store, you are still expanding your literary capabilities and therefore you are a “reader”.

I am, what I would consider, a hardcore reader. I read not only Facebook, text messages and other social media, but also always try to have a novel that I am reading. I read differently outside of school because I am not required to read the materials. I will binge read and complete a novel in a day, just because I like it. I connect whatever I am reading to my school if it is applicable. But while I am binge reading it definitely improves my reading skills and I can transfer that to when I am reading for school.

Williams is challenging the basic idea that children are becoming less literate because of technology. I think that all reading is valuable, and support the points that William makes. Does it really matter if someone is sitting down and reading a novel by some dead author or if they are reading articles about who “Wore it Best”? Children that have been exposed to technology have a much better idea of when to be professional, and most have the ability to switch it on and off. The generations are not getting dumber, they are just learning differently.