Why a good book is a secret door

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Snow White

Snow White


The Disney version of Snow White is a more pleasant version of the Grimm’s telling. One of the first differences that is noticeable is the beginning of the story, because I do not remember Snow White’s mother dripping blood onto snow, and it is understandable why Disney would want to leave that out. Also, the queen wanted to eat both the liver and her lungs in the Grimm version to absorb her beauty, but in the Disney version I believe she only wanted Snow’s heart as proof.

In Disney’s version of Snow White I believe that the prince just kisses her and then she immediately wakes up and coughs up the apple. But in Grimm’s version the prince takes her coffin and then the way the apple is dislodged from her throat is from the jolt, and not from the prince kissing her. But the really weird part is that the prince even wanted Snow’s body anyway…

A major theme in this story would be listen to your elders. Snow was naieve and fell into the trap of the evil queen multiple times, but if she would have listened to the Dwarves then she would have stayed safe. Everything bad that happened to her after she got to their house was because she did not take their advice to keep the door closed.


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